Leverage GetIT’s purpose-built products and platforms to assist both customers and marketing teams. Take advantage of DX and security assessment tools; ready-to-launch campaign blueprints and kits; and pre-built yet customisable IDC-engagement programs.

Unlock DX is a comprehensive interactive assessment tool which enables tech buyers to assess themselves and receive personalised recommendation reports across the key digital transformation (DX) deadlocks/challenges.
As the tech buyer user completes each module specific to their areas of interest or focus, the system generates detailed reports that combine personalised DX insights based on global data collected by IDC.
As a sponsor of the tool, you will gain in-depth account insights into your customers’ DX posture and initiatives that will help your sales team craft effective sales strategies.

XSecure helps companies assess their security posture in the light of a hostile cybersecurity environment. Security and IT executives will find this interactive assessment tool helpful to better understand and cope with cybersecurity challenges by leveraging security disciplines and technologies in their organization.
Covering security strategy, and the management of vulnerabilities, threats, identity and trust, XSecure is a comprehensive platform that delivers actionable guidance for participants, while giving technology vendors in-depth understanding of their customers and prospects.

Ready-to-launch campaigns comprising content assets, email and paid outreach options and optional martech platforms to net new or nurturing existing prospects efficiently within a limited time.

Secure relevant leads through highly-trusted, locally relevant content shaped by regional analysts. Target them with precision through industry-focused databases from market leaders that allow for fine segmentation.
We help you boost campaign efficacy and ensure larger, more consistent sales opportunities. You also work with a single point of contact, for simplified project management and greater efficiency.

Traditional marketing techniques no longer work. Your customers are no longer following predictable, linear purchasing processes. Their complex journey to buy from you is frustrating for them, and for you.
With our custom B2B technology marketing Master Class, conducted at the venue of your choice, your marketing team can quickly learn how to generate more qualified leads with digital marketing.